Jan. 16, 2020
Shoreline stabilization work was completed using rip-rap over a textile liner. Water was eroding the base of the flagstones, so rip-rap was installed across the entire face of the lakefront to mitigate further erosion.
November 22, 2019
The construction company is planning to suspend shoreline restoration work at Pavilion Shore due to ground conditions. They will be moving to Lakeshore Park to begin that portion of the project and will return to Pavilion Shore when the ground freezes in order to minimize damage to the park.
November 12, 2019
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services and Engineering staff have received several inquiries regarding the Pavilion Shore Park shoreline stabilization project. Concerns have been expressed with the aesthetics as well as access to the shoreline.
When Pavilion Shore Park was developed in 2013, several trees with 2-3-inch trunk diameters were removed along the shoreline. Coir logs were installed with the intent to slow erosion and spur the growth of new shoreline plants. Coir logs are tube-shaped; erosion-control devices filled with straw, flax, rice, coconut fiber material or composted material. Each roll is wrapped with UV-degradable polypropylene netting with 100- percent biodegradable materials like burlap, jute or coir. Unfortunately, the logs failed due to wave action and the down current of the lake. Additionally, the winter ice floe contributed to the breakdown of the logs and plantings.
City staff and the City Engineering Consultant, AECOM, worked closely with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (MDEGLE, formerly known as the MDEQ) to design a shoreline repair specifically situated around the use of stone and natural features as protection against erosion. Concrete retaining walls were not acceptable and would not have been approved.
It should be noted the sole intent of the project was to address shoreline erosion for the long term and not prohibit access to the lake. However, the project will result in reduced access to the water from the park.
October 31, 2019
The shoreline stabilization projects at Pavilion Shore Park and Lakeshore Park are now in process. We experienced significant delays in receiving the required permits from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE, formerly known as the DEQ). Equipment has been staged at Pavilion Shore Park and the work will take approximately 2-3 weeks to complete. The project will cause some damage to turf, sidewalk panels and irrigation lines in the park, but the contractor will be responsible for repairs and restoration. After Pavilion Shore is complete, they will move on to the Lakeshore beach area.
October 10, 2019
Shoreline stabilization work is expected to begin around Oct. 24 at Pavilion Shore Park and will take 1-2 weeks to complete. Once complete, shoreline stabilization work will begin at Lakeshore Park’s beach.
December 2018
City Council directed staff to add a playground at Pavilion Shore Park in order to meet the expected demand for a children’s play area due to the upcoming Lakeshore Park renovations. Decisions on the placement and design of the playground were based on many factors, including sight lines, durability, accessibility and aesthetics. Separate structures for children ages 2-5 and 5-12 years old are included in the final design. A variety of features are included on the playground including an “Oodle Swing,” spinners, sensory exploration, climbing structures and balance challenges. The playground will meet/exceed all current safety and accessibility requirements.
November 3, 2017
The east parking lot expansion at Pavilion Shore Park was completed Nov. 3, 2017, creating 32 additional parking spaces for the park. The new expansion brings the total number of parking spaces to 62 for the park and allows more people to enjoy sunsets and picnics on Walled Lake's edge.
September 28, 2016
The restroom shelter opened Sept. 28, 2016, as Mayor Bob Gatt, State Rep. Kathy Crawford and PRCS Director Jeff Muck addressed attendees. Although not available for rentals, the facility provides welcome shade and restrooms to park patrons, local joggers and cyclists along the southern shores of Walled Lake.
August 5, 2016
The foundation is poured and the restroom walls are being constructed.
June 30, 2016
The roof was installed on the new restroom/shelter at Pavilion Shore Park now that the foundation and beams are set. The project is targeting completion by Labor Day.

June 2016 Restroom/Shelter Construction Progress
April 2016
Improvements at Pavilion Shore Park

City Council approved the summer 2016 construction of a restroom/shelter at Pavilion Shore Park. The 50x30 structure will use design elements from the Walled Lake Dance Hall and casino from the 1920s.
Pavilion Shore Park Restroom/Shelter Plans

Picnic Tables


Fate of Empires, a sculpture by international artist and Novi resident, David Barr reflects the rise and fall of empires, and ties in to the rich history of Pavilion Shore Park and its many past identities (including Walled Lake Amusement Park and the Walled Lake Casino). Thanks to a generous donation from The Novi Parks Foundation, Fate of Empires was purchased and installed at Pavilion Shore Park.
January 14, 2016
Pavilion Shore Park restroom/shelter timeline established:
PRCS Commission presentation – January 21
Planning Commission – February 3
City Council final approval – March 28
Construction Begins – May 1

January 2016 Restroom/Shelter Conceptual Rendering

January 2016 Restroom/Shelter Location
September 28, 2015
Architectural and engineering firm Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. awarded contract to design a restroom/shelter for Pavilion Shore Park.
October 2014
The need for restroom facilities was identified, replacing 2017-18 plans for a water feature and play structure.
August 2013
Pavilion Shore Park Open House/Opening Day
March 11, 2013
Public Input Session conducted as a requirement of Phase 3 Grant Application to Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund.
November 2012
Construction has begun at Pavilion Shore Park, located at Old Novi and 13 Mile Roads, necessitating a closure of the park through mid-summer 2013. During this time, we encourage citizens to enjoy the amenities at other nearby parks. A comprehensive listing of park and amenities can be found by clicking here.
Pavilion Shore Park Timeline
This is an estimation of work timeline which may be adjusted due to weather, etc.
Equipment Mobilization and Site Preparation – October 29, 2012-January 7, 2013
Boardwalk Construction – January-April
Landscape Walls and Terrace Construction – January-April
Grading, Electrical, and Sewer – April-May
Landscaping including Bollards, Flagstone, Bench and Table installation – June-mid-July
September 2012
Construction of Phases 1 and 2 of the Pavilion Shore Park has been awarded to a contractor and scheduled to begin in fall 2012. Completion is anticipated in July 2013.
Highlights of Phase 1 and 2 include:
General Conditions and Site Preparation, Utilities & Electrical, Site Improvements, Shoreline Stabilization and Native Plantings, Landscaping, Irrigation, Two Parking Areas, Additional Walks and Pier
Matters from September 10, 2012 Council Meeting: Approval to award a construction contract for Pavilion Shore Park Phases 1 and 2 to V.I.L. Construction, Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of $1,492,175.
Approval to award an engineering services agreement with URS Corporation for construction engineering services related to Pavilion Shore Park Phase 1 and 2 in the amount of $144,719.
January 26, 2012 - Development Plans Approved for Landings Park - Construction will begin this summer at the park property located at Thirteen Mile and Old Novi Roads on Walled Lake
At the regular City Council meeting held on Monday, January 23, City Council has approved the design concept for the development of the 11-acre property commonly known as Landings Park. The initial development of the park, estimated to begin in late summer 2012, will include a stone waterfront and pier on Walled Lake, biking and walking paths intersecting the park, interpretive gardens and landscaping, a picnic lawn, and parking area.
Read the full press release.
Landings Concept Presentation
The development of the Landings Park property at Old Novi Road and 13 Mile was discussed at the January Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Commission Meeting, with the below Concept being presented by architectural firm Hamilton-Anderson. Following a public input session in December, an updated plan was presented to commissioners. The design concept as approved at the January 23, 2012 Council Meeting. Landings Concept Presentation (8.3 MB)
(To be presented to the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Commission on 1/12/12.
NOTE: The parking area envisioned on page 8 of the concept presentation would be expected on one side or the other of East Lake Drive, not both. )
Estimated Project Totals by Phase
Phase 1 - General Conditions and Site Preparation, Utilities & Electrical, Site Improvements, Shoreline Stabilization and Native Plantings, Landscaping | $625,124.31 |
Phase 2 - Additional Walks and Pier | 287,964.60 |
Phase 3 - Pavilion and Waterfront Picnic Plaza | 291,883.68 |
Phase 4 - Site Lighting and Play Equipment | 198,000.00 |
Phase 5 - Water Feature and Bath House | 554,400.00 |
For more information, please contact Jeff Muck, Director, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services via email or at 248-735-5611.