City of Novi Planning Commission
September 16, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Novi Civic Center – Mayor’s Conference Room
45175 W. Ten Mile, Novi, MI 48375
(248) 347-0475
City of Novi Planning Commission
September 16, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Novi Civic Center – Mayor’s Conference Room
45175 W. Ten Mile, Novi, MI 48375
(248) 347-0475
Members: Victor Cassis, Andy Gutman, Michael Lynch and Michael Meyer
Alternate David Greco
Staff Support: Mark Spencer
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Audience Participation and Correspondence
4. Staff Report
5. Matters for Discussion
Item 1
Master Plan for Land Use Review
a) Amendment Alternatives
1) Special Planning Project Area 1Study Area
2) Eleven Mile and Beck Roads Study Area
3) Grand River Avenue and Beck Roads Study Area
b) Potential Amendments
1) Transportation
2) Other
6. Minutes
7. Adjourn
Future Meetings – 9/23, 10/7 & 10/21