Watch the video explaining why Novi wants your input on the update to our Master Plan for Land Use and Active Mobility Plan:
We Want To Hear From You
The City of Novi is seeking feedback on its update to the Master Plan for Land Use. Staff and consultants held community open houses to gather input on Feb 25 and Mar 2. If you did not attend, you can still provide your input by taking this survey.
The City is also updating the Active Mobility Plan to identify community priorities to ensure safe and convenient routes for people who walk and bike. Visit to learn more and provide input.
Master Plan for Land Use Steering Committee meetings will be held from 6-8 pm in the Activities Room at City Hall (subject to change). Members of the public are welcome to attend.
2023 Regular Meeting Schedule
January 26
Thursday, March 2
Wednesday, March 29
May 3
Click here for Master Plan for Land Use Steering Committee Agendas and Minutes
What is the Master Plan?
The purpose of the Master Plan is to guide the future development of Novi - identifying the type and intensity of future development, while balancing the preservation of open space and natural features, and insuring the sustainability of the City over the long-term through the establishment of a diversified tax base. The thoroughfare plan will help to identify roadway improvements and technology advances that can assist with traffic flow, insure that the City plans for proper access management, and identify transit and non-motorized improvements that will be needed or desirable.
What specifically do we hope to accomplish through this Master Plan review?
Novi seeks a plan that can keep up with our rapid growth. High levels of population growth means the city must frequently review its plan to ensure that development is responsible, equitable, and sustainable. With the help of an outside consultant, Beckett and Raeder, Incorporated (BRi), Novi seeks to build upon the relevant work that was completed in the 2017 Master Plan, and incorporate new insight in planning for housing diversity, re-imagining shopping centers to better suit economic and demographic changes, and considering the financial implications for such land uses changes.
This plan will also explore what it means to emerge into a post COVID-19 world in relation to land use, mobility, and economic transformations. To achieve a unified vision and implementable Master Plan, the Master Plan update process will include the following:
- Offers different avenues for residents, staff, officials, organizations, and youth to engage;
- Updates all sections with the most recent data available and combines with community input, including an in depth update to the Thoroughfare Master Plan;
- Incorporates sustainability practices into the narrative and action strategies;
- Refines the goals articulated in the 2017 plan and attaches them to action strategies with accountable parties and metrics for success;
- Focuses on land use transitions: how to re-use shopping centers and offer greater housing variety;
- Holds a strong focus for selecting and prioritizing potential sites for redevelopment;
- Complies with requirements outlined in the Michigan Planning Enabling Act; and
- Offers a user-friendly, digital, and interactive plan at the conclusion of the process.
How can I participate?
Novi will have opportunities for residents and businesses to participate though an online survey that will be developed in the Spring of 2022. For specific study areas or master plan concepts, focus groups and scenario planning meetings will be held. Check back here for updates to our community engagement opportunities!
Resource documents
Master Plan for Land Use 2017
Future Land Use Map
Zoning Map
Development Projects Map
Non-Motorized Master Plan
Thoroughfare Master Plan
(Thoroughfare Master Plan - ( Roads Committee Discoveries
Non-Motorized Prioritizaton Update (Part 1)
Non-Motorized Prioritizaton Update (Part 2)
Capital Improvement Plan Economic Development Strategy 2022
Active Mobility Plan 2023
Come back to this webpage for regular updates on the progress, participation opportunities, and meeting packets for the Master Plan Steering Committee.