WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1997 AT 7:30 P.M.


(248) 347-0475


Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson Weddington.


PRESENT: Members Bononi, Canup, Churella, Csordas, Vrettas,

Chairperson Weddington


ABSENT: Members Capello (excused), Hoadley (excused), Watza (excused)


ALSO PRESENT: Planning Consultant Brandon Rogers, Engineering Consultant David Bluhm, Traffic Consultant Rod Arroyo, Assistant City Attorney Dennis Watson, Landscape Architect Linda Lemke, Water Resources Specialist Susan Tepatti, Director of Planning & Community Development Jim Wahl, and Community Development Specialist Khanh Pham








Chairperson Weddington asked if there were any changes or additions to the Agenda?


Chairperson Weddington added discussion regarding the MSPO conference under Matters for Discussion.





Moved by Churella, seconded by Vrettas, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the Agenda as amended.





Yes: Bononi, Canup, Churella, Csordas, Vrettas, Weddington

No: None












Khanh Pham announced he received a letter from Lynn Kocan, 23088 Ennishore Drive in regard to Ash Gear truck traffic implications on Nine Mile Road. Ms. Kocan stated with the increased developments proposed for Hickory Corporate Park, there is a subsequent increase in truck traffic on Nine Mile Road. She believed it was imperative that Nine Mile Road, east of Venture Drive, be protected from heavy truck traffic. As she had not yet received a response regarding the status of proposed signage along Nine Mile Road, she believed that a written statement from the Planning Commission to the City, as well as the City Council, requesting load limit signs as soon as possible, would be appropriate at this time.


Member Vrettas asked if this could be added to the Agenda for discussion.


Chairperson Weddington amended the Agenda and added Nine Mile Road Truck Traffic as Item 3 under Matters for Discussion.


















Property located south of Twelve Mile Road, east of Novi Road for possible Final Site Plan recommendation to City Council.


Jon Sarkesian, introduced himself as the architect for Hagopian World of Rugs. He stated the project is just under 1,000 square feet of retail on three levels. The site drops 50' from the northwest corner to the southeast corner, the building cascades down the site. The first floor will be predominantly furniture and rug sales, the second floor will be 3,000 square feet of administrative offices and the upper level will be a rug gallery. The project was deficient in land banked parking, Mr. Sarkesian stated he received a variance on August 5, 1997 and it is also under review to be revised as noted in Mr. Rogers’ letter. The concept of the building was to look like a 1920's building that had been converted into a furniture store use. In some parts of the building, there are 30' high ceilings, part of which adds drama and also addresses the fact that the site drops it also allows a grade level entrance on the west side as well as the southeast side. The building is predominantly red brick and E.I.F.S. will be a limestone color. The window frames will be dark green.


Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant stated the project is a 30,000 square foot building on a 3 acre site, it has received an exception from the City Council for being in the RC, PD-3 situation. The applicant has received a ZBA variance, therefore the parking complies with the Ordinance with a shortage of 17 spaces. Mr. Rogers stated if the Council gives a second reading to the Zoning Ordinance at their next meeting, the plan would meet the new Ordinance standards. An 8' asphalt safety path is proposed along Twelve Mile Road to connect to that on the adjacent property to the east. Mr. Rogers recommended an asphalt surface and stated an easement of access on private property would still be required. Landscape issues are all resolved, the building facade plan has been approved by Doug Necci and Mr. Rogers concurred. He stated it meets the standards for facade materials in an RC District.


David Bluhm, Engineering Consultant concurred with Mr. Rogers and the previous action of the City Council to make all of the pathways 8' wide using asphalt material. He stated there were several minor items that remain outstanding, there are several off-site easement documents which are required. From an engineering point of view, Mr. Bluhm stated the plan was acceptable.


Rod Arroyo, Traffic Consultant stated there was a need for several documents, a joint access agreement and also a document that provides for the extension of the exiting radius from the driveway onto the frontage road. It was Mr. Arroyo’s understanding that the applicant was working toward providing the documents to JCK and the City Attorney for review. Mr. Arroyo stated the third comment in his letter dated August 14, 1997 was no longer applicable since a ZBA variance has been granted. He recommended approval subject to the appropriate documentation on the exiting radius and the joint access agreements being reviewed by JCK and the City Attorney.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Michael W. Evans, Fire Marshal for the City of Novi Fire Department which states the above plan has been reviewed and approval is recommended.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Douglas R. Necci of JCK which indicates he has reviewed the plans and he finds the percentage of materials to be in full compliance with the Schedule of Regulating Facade Materials found in Ordinance Section 2520. It is therefore recommended that the application is in compliance and a Section 4 Waiver is not required.


Chairperson Weddington turned the Matter over to the Commission for Discussion.








Moved by Csordas, seconded by Vrettas, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To send a positive recommendation to City Council for the approval of Final Site Plan for Hagopian World of Rugs, SP96-35C, subject to all of the consultants issues.


Member Bononi expressed concern in regard to Mr. Rogers’ letter dated August 15, 1997, second to the last paragraph. The choice of the word "attractive" from the standpoint of implying that one project is attractive and another is not. To her understanding, there was nothing in the Ordinance that designates whether or not a particular site has been deemed attractive, it is far too subjective unless there was some other Ordinance to refer to, she had a great deal of concern with it.


Member Vrettas stated the recommendations should remain consistent.


Chairperson Weddington asked what the overall height of the building was?


Mr. Rogers answered he did not have the plan in front of him, however, in an RC District three stories is allowed up to 45 feet.


Chairperson Weddington asked in relation to the Airtouch Cellular building next door, would it be approximately the same height?


Mr. Rogers answered, the lower portion would be at the same height and then it would step up to Gorman’s, however, it would not be as high as Gorman’s. He explained it was a stepped up arrangement.





Yes: Bononi, Canup, Churella, Csordas, Vrettas, Weddington

No: None




Property located west of Novi Road, between I-96 and Twelve Mile Road for possible Final Site Plan recommendation to City Council.


Dave Bartone of Seiber Keast & Associates introduced Michael Rupert, Corporate Architect from Art Van Furniture, Fred Keywell, Corporate Council from Art Van Furniture, Mark Young, Project Manager from Seiber Keast & Associates and Mark Moranweiser, Senior Associate with Design Team Limited.


Mr. Bartone was requesting final approval of the site plan. He discussed the project history. The current plan showed an increase of the floor area from 60,270 square feet to 102,500 square feet which is consistent with the approved Preliminary Site Plan. There is a new exterior with a two story glass atrium on the east elevation. Land banked parking has been provided as required. He stated Mr. Rupert could answer questions regarding the exterior elevations and Mr. Moranweiser could answer questions in regard to the landscape plan. He stated Art Van Furniture would donate $5,175 to the City Tree Fund for plantings in the R.O.W. of Novi Road.


Mr. Bartone referred to a letter dated August 15, 1997 addressed to the Planning Commission. The letter described that at the time of the Preliminary Site Plan approval, they showed a buffer of pine trees along the rear of the building. During the process of the design, they felt that extra pavement should be added to enable the trucks to turn around easier, he stated it was a total oversight on their part and they forgot about the buffer. He apologized to the Commission. If it was the wish of the Commission, Mr. Bartone requested a conditional approval of the plan, based on a prompt submittal of a revised plan making the paving with 120' and re-establishing the landscape island instead of the current 140' without the landscape island.


Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant stated the size of the building is presently 60,270 to be expanded to 102,520 square feet. The landscape plan meets Ms. Lemke’s approval. Mr. Rogers stated he received a letter from Seiber Keast & Associates, dated August 15, 1997 which commented on the disparity between the engineering and landscape plans. He strongly urged that the landscape plan be retained as a requirement of the Final Site Plan approval. He stated the screening of the truck loading dock is critical and 20' is a minimum of space that is needed. The proposed building facade plan is face brick with E.I.F.S. Windows are on the north and south sides of the building to take away the warehouse feeling of the large building. Mr. Roger recommended Final Site Plan approval.



David Bluhm, Engineering Consultant recommended unconditional approval of the engineering construction plans.


Rod Arroyo, Traffic Consultant recommended approval of the Final Site Plan without conditions.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Michael W. Evans, Fire Marshal for the City of Novi Fire Department which states the above plan has been reviewed and approval is recommended.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Douglas R. Necci of JCK which indicates that he has reviewed the drawings and finds the percentages of materials to be in compliance with the facade chart and recommended approval. A Section 4 Waiver is not required.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Chris Pargoff, City Forester which states, as of August 12, 1997, the City Forester’s office cannot recommend approval of the Final Site Plan for Art Van Furniture at this time. The final engineering plan does not agree with the approvable landscape plan as reviewed by the Planning Consultant Ms. Linda Lemke. It does not include the island screening for the loading dock area. The deficiency was discussed with Mr. Young of Seiber Keast & Associates and they have agreed to make the appropriate changes to the Final submittal for stamping. Therefore, Mr. Pargoff would support a recommendation to proceed with condition of including the island. In addition, the applicant’s landscaper should also contact the planning consultant before purchasing any plant material.


Chairperson Weddington turned the Matter over to the Commission for Discussion.








Moved by Vrettas, seconded by Bononi, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To send a positive recommendation to City Council for Final Site Plan approval for Art Van Furniture, SP96-38C including the landscape island as specified in Ms. Lemke’s letter.





Yes: Canup, Churella, Csordas, Vrettas, Weddington, Bononi

No: None



3. ASH GEAR, SP97-13A


Property located north of Nine Mile Road, between Novi Road and Meadowbrook Road for possible Preliminary Site Plan approval.


Chris Enright the architect for Ash Gear introduced Clayton Jerris one of the owners. He stated the project is an industrial site on Nine Mile Road, bounded by the railroad tracks. He is proposing a warehouse facility with an office in the front. Parking will be on the eastern side of the site with additional parking in the rear and one truck well. The building is composed of clay brick at the base and a series of glazed block bands separating another series of split face block.


Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant stated the building is 30,000 square feet on a 3½ acre site. There are a couple of minor items on the application data that he required to be submitted at the time of Final Site Plan approval. The building meets the setback requirements and it more than meets the off-street parking requirements. Loading is in the rear yard as well as a screened dumpster. The landscape plan was previously approved by Ms. Lemke. The building facades are proposed to be patterned concrete block, glazed block, accent bands and 12" clay brick units. Mr. Rogers recommended Preliminary Site Plan approval subject to application data being fully submitted and re-addressing the building facade plan.


David Bluhm, Engineering Consultant stated water and sewer are available to the site and will be extended in by way of service leads into the building. No public main extensions are proposed. The applicant is proposing underground storm sewers to collect storm drainage, the sewers will be directed to the southwest corner adjacent to Nine Mile where they will construct a detention basin. The basin will need to provide sedimentation control on a temporary basis and this should be accounted for at the time of Final Site Plan.


Mr. Bluhm stated there was a drainage course at the extreme southwest corner of the site that crosses the railroad tracks, this will need to be accounted for at the time of Final Site Plan. The applicant is also required to put a sidewalk in along Nine Mile Road, Council’s directive is that an 8' asphalt be considered. There were a few other issues, beyond that Mr. Bluhm felt the plan demonstrated engineering feasibility and recommended approval.


Rod Arroyo, Traffic Consultant stated there was one access proposed to Nine Mile Road, the access point is closer to the Pioneer Mortgage driveway than normally allowed. The design and construction standards has a 150' spacing standard and the applicant is proposing 75'. The Planning Commission can waive this deficiency when it is the only point of access proposed and shifting it would cause problems. He recommended that the access point remain, it lines up with the Isuzu driveway directly across from Nine Mile Road. It will be necessary to extend a passing lane/deceleration lane on the south side of Nine Mile Road to the west. A trip generation estimate has been provided based on trip generation rates from the institute of transportation engineers which shows 245 trips on an average weekday, 32 during the morning peak hour, 34 during the afternoon peak hour. He stated the Planning & Community Development Department filed an application to the Michigan Department of Commerce for a road grant for improving Nine Mile Road as a part of their category A funds. This is intended to provide road improvements to serve Economic Development. The application includes making improvements to the Novi/Nine Mile intersection by adding some turn lanes, improving signalization and extending a center turn lane from Novi Road through Venture Drive. Mr. Arroyo recommended that the site plan be approved subject to comments in his letter.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Michael W. Evans, Fire Marshal for the City of Novi Fire Department which states the above plan is not recommended for approval, the eight items in his plan review letter dated April 11, 1997 have not been addressed. These items must be corrected before receiving fire department approval. The eight items include: 1) Provide at least 50 percent of the perimeter of the building to be within 25 feet of fire apparatus access. 2) Provide additional hydrants around the building to be spaced at a maximum of 300 feet. 3) Show the location of the Fire Department Connection. 4) Provide a hydrant within 100 feet of the FDC. 5) All watermains and fire hydrants are to be installed and be in service prior to construction above the foundation. 6) All weather access roads capable of supporting 25 tons are to be provided for fire apparatus prior to construction of the foundation. 7) The building address is to be posted facing the street throughout construction. the address is to be at least 3 inches high on a contrasting background. 8) Provide a hazardous chemical survey pertaining to the proposed occupancy and another pertaining to construction activity.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Chris Pargoff, City Forester which states this office concurs with the August 8, 1997 recommendations of the Planning Consultant Mr. Brandon Rogers. This office has concerns about the planting of Marshall Seedless Ash, this needs to be addressed. The species has been overplanted in Novi and its planting should be limited so as to avoid the development of a Dutch Elm Disease type of situation. The applicant’s landscaper should also contact the Planning Consultant before purchasing any plant material.

Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Douglas R. Necci of JCK which states that he has reviewed the percentages of materials and finds them to be in full compliance with the Facade Chart and a Section 4 Waiver is not required.


Chairperson Weddington announced she has received a letter from Mr. Enright regarding the Fire Marshal’s comments which states that the conditions will be addressed.


Chairperson Weddington turned the Matter over to the Commission for Discussion.





Member Churella asked why the office portion of the building facade could not be of the same brick as the buildings next door and across the street.


Mr. Enright stated it was the concept to continue the continuity of the building throughout. He felt that the materials that were being used would have a more positive impact.


Member Churella asked if the cost would be inevitable to build it with the other materials in order to keep the buildings looking the same?


Mr. Enright stated with the requirements of the Ordinance in terms of using the percentages of materials throughout the building on all facades, he wanted to keep continuity with the entire building so it has a base throughout with bands breaking up the other levels of block. Mr. Enright had concerns about the small volume in the front consisting of all brick. In regard to it looking different once constructed, versus what currently exists, Mr. Enright stated he had a conversation with Mr. Necci regarding this particular issue and was aware of precedent on some of the concerns.


Member Csordas asked Mr. Arroyo to clarify that he was recommending that the deceleration tapers be constructed and meet with the existing drive. He asked about the location of the deceleration tapers.


Mr. Arroyo stated the deceleration taper that is shown is what is typically provided if there are no other driveways nearby. However, since it is close to the Pioneer Mortgage drive, a tangent straight section between the two driveways will need to be provided. This will function as an acceleration taper for Pioneer Mortgage and a deceleration taper for Ash Gear.


Member Csordas asked if the applicant had any problems with any of the issues that Mr. Arroyo brought up?

Mr. Enright understood there to be an issue with the driveway. He stated he spoke with Juanita Freeman in the Planning Department and a meeting has been scheduled with Pioneer Mortgage on Tuesday, August 26, 1997. To his knowledge, the meeting will be to discuss the drive issue and find out what the final parameters will be. He assumed that the two parties would meet to come to some type of agreement at that point.


Member Csordas asked if there would be any outside parking lot lights that might reflect or shine onto the residential area to the east?


Mr. Enright answered the residential area was quite a distance away, it was his intention to have the lower level lighting of non-reflecting type.


Member Csordas asked if there would be any manufacturing or noise?


Mr. Enright answered there would be some turning of parts when they are received. He stated 90% of it would be stocking of parts.


Member Csordas asked if the applicant would be required to install any venting equipment that would create any noise?


Mr. Enright answered, not to his knowledge.


Member Churella asked Mr. Arroyo if an 8' pathway would be put in front of the building? He asked if it could be put on the other side of the road to coincide with the other bike path? He thought it was a waste to put it on the one side when it could be put on the other side to allow people to use it to ride their bikes into the park from Meadowbrook Road.


Mr. Arroyo answered, no, it could not be placed on the other side because the Ordinance requires the bike path on both sides of the road. The applicant is only bound to put the path on their side of the road, the Commission cannot require them to make an off-site improvement. The applicant is required by Ordinance to install a path on their side of the street.


Member Churella asked the applicant if he would consider putting the sidewalk on the other side of the road ?


Mr. Enright stated he could not speak to the issue.


Member Vrettas explained that he thought Member Churella was suggesting that the applicant talk to the neighbor across the street and if they are willing to let the applicant pay for it and put it in, the Commission would waive the fact that they need to put one in on their side of the street.


Dennis Watson, Assistant City Attorney stated unfortunately that was not an option for the Commission to approve.


Member Canup thought the idea was excellent, however, he thought the reality of accomplishing it would probably be very difficult. He stated it may put an unfair burden on the applicant. He agreed that it made good common sense.


Member Bononi asked the applicant about the product to be stored in the warehousing areas, specifically what are they?


Mr. Jerris answered they were small cutting tools anywhere from the size of a watch to a 1' x 1' box.


Member Bononi asked if the office use would support any other use other than the housing of those specific parts?


Mr. Jerris answered, no. It would serve no other business, he stated he would use the entire building and warehouse for his own use.


Member Bononi asked why the fire department’s comments were not addressed?


Mr. Enright stated there was some confusion. He stated the letter that was sent to him from the first review "recommended approval of the plan with the following:". Every other letter that was received by the applicant "denied approval until the following changes were made:". Mr. Enright assumed that Mr. Evans gave his approval therefore he should address the issues prior to Final Site Plan.


Member Bononi explained her reason for asking was because she did not feel that the fire department’s comments should be treated as any kind of condition of approval or in a cavalier way when talking about public and private safety.


Mr. Enright stated based upon how the letter was worded, he was under the assumption, based upon how the letter was worded, that he was given approval and the items would need to be taken care of for Final Site Plan only.


Member Bononi asked Mr. Bluhm to expound on the situation with regard to the storm water drainage under the railroad.

Mr. Bluhm stated there is a culvert underneath the railroad which takes water from the west and north. The applicant needs to make accommodations to maintain the drainage course so it does not inhibit the drainage that goes down to Nine Mile and then off to the east.


Member Bononi asked what the drainage was tributary to.


Mr. Bluhm answered it was tributary to a ditch that runs along the west side of the railroad tracks, crossing the tracks and then east along the north side of Nine Mile Road to the drain in front of Venture Drive and then south into the Rouge.





Moved by Bononi, seconded by Churella, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To grant Preliminary Site Plan approval to Ash Gear, SP97-13A subject to all of the consultants recommendations and conditions and to also grant the waiver for the driveway distance and require the plan to be returned to the Commission for Final Site Plan.


Chairperson Weddington asked if there was an estimate of how many trucks would be going in and out every day?


Mr. Jerris stated every once in a while there would be a big group of stuff coming in on a truck, but 90% of it is UPS.





Yes: Churella, Csordas, Vrettas, Weddington, Bononi, Canup

No: None


In regard to the facade issue, Mr. Enright asked Mr. Rogers if there would be some potential changes to the approval of the submission as stated in the letter received from JCK?



Mr. Rogers answered absolutely. He asked the applicant to refer to footnote F in Section 2520, he stated it applies also to the side elevations.


Mr. Enright asked if he should disregard the approval letter from JCK?


Mr. Rogers stated he was not suggesting that the applicant do anything, he was just stating that he also reviews facades.








Patrick J. Brunett, SEMCOG shall present report to the Planning Commission.


Patrick J. Brunett of SEMCOG stated Novi was one of the pilot communities that participated in the Fiscal Impact Study. He stated many communities are struggling with ways to preserve open space, community character, how to protect environmental resources, viewscapes, etc. Many communities are asking what the fiscal impact is, Mr. Brunett stated he found out through the Michigan Department of Natural Environmental Quality, Costal Zone Program. They obtained money that would allow a fiscal impact study to be done and SEMCOG agreed to undertake the study. He stated the Fry Foundation and the Mott Foundation provided additional funds to complete the study.


One of the statistics that came out of population and land use projections on a region wide basis in the SEMCOG seven county regions, is that if development continues at the same pace, we will urbanize about 50% more land. Mr. Brunett stated through the study, it was discovered that land that is part of Michigan’s land based economy was being lost. The economy based on agriculture, mining, tourism and forestry. Part of the reason for the increase in use of land while the population growth remains relatively flat, is that there is a decrease in household size. He stated lower densities mean larger lot sizes.


Mr. Brunett referred to the data gathered from each community. He stated with the data, two scenarios were tested for each community. One was to look at what would happen from a cost benefit basis for tax revenue versus cost of infrastructure if the current trends were to continue or if there was a reduction in a part of the new development. He stated one finding was that open space tended to be on the high end, in other words, there are fewer costs associated with open space than that space provides in revenue. Therefore, some communities may find it beneficial to preserve the open space as opposed to encouraging development which may cost more in revenue than it will provide in tax revenue.


Mr. Brunett stated the study demonstrated that using the assumptions, there would be a cost savings as well as substantial land savings. He stated the model will be acquired from Rutgers University and will be available to any community that wishes to have it.


Brandon Rogers, Planning Consultant thought that planned, managed growth was the way to go. Each community has its own style of doing it. He thought most communities want to manage their growth.


Jim Wahl, Director of Planning & Community Development stated a lot of the information that was provided is fairly up-to-date due to the fact that the Update to the Master Plan was being worked on. Mr. Wahl stated what is going on throughout the state is not unique to Michigan, it appeared that unless statewide support existed for this type of planning, it would be very difficult to implement. He further stated that there was quite an effort underway to encourage farmland preservation around the state.


Member Bononi thanked Mr. Brunett for the presentation and the material that SEMCOG has furnished to the Commission. She stated, one concern she had before reading the document and a concern as a resident of Novi, after reading the document, is how many times she hears the City of Novi and other cities being closely associated with Sprawl and not in a very complimentary manner. Member Bononi asked Mr. Brunett, among the 18 cities, how he saw the dichotomy between community development and planning and how they work at cross purposes with each other? To her, it did not make sense to always be looking outward to other states for support.


Mr. Brunett thought the idea was that all of the cities work together. He stated economic growth and community development is wanted. He stated many communities that are in different stages of development are identifying their resources initially, but at the same time they are trying to attract as much growth in areas that are more suitable for development.

Member Csordas thanked Mr. Brunett for his presentation. He asked if he understood correctly that there was a section that shows the level of tax generating development?


Mr. Brunett answered, yes. Section 1, page 32.


In regard the report defining compact growth in a certain fashion, Dennis Watson, Assistant City Attorney asked Mr. Brunett if the increase in 10% in density in certain areas and a decrease of 40% in others, was one of the things that would be allowed to be played with?


Mr. Brunett answered, yes.


Chairperson Weddington thanked Mr. Brunett for making the presentation.


Mr. Brunett thanked the City of Novi for participating and providing the staff time that it took to complete the report.





Chairperson Weddington announced there was an MSPO Conference being offered in Dearborn, September 18-20, 1997. Notices for the conference were not received by the City until today, therefore, if anyone is interested they should contact the Planning Department. MSPO conferences are always worthwhile and because it is local, the cost will be moderate. Chairperson Weddington stated there is some money in the budget for conferences and seminars for Commissioners. She thought it might be of special interest for the newer Commissioners as training and background information.








Moved by Vrettas, seconded by Churella, CARRIED (5-0, Bononi absent during vote): To ask the Department to send a letter to Council and DPW asking them to research and if possible, post signs restricting truck traffic east of Venture Drive and post load limit signs on Nine Mile Road as soon as possible.


Member Churella suggested adding "Truck Right Turn Only" signs at Venture Drive.

Mr. Arroyo stated right turn signs would come under the jurisdiction of the DPW Department who would then make a recommendation to Council.



Yes: Csordas, Vrettas, Weddington, Bononi, Canup, Churella

No: None

Absent During Vote: Bononi






Moved by Vrettas, seconded by Canup, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission at 9:15 p.m.



Yes: Bononi, Canup, Churella, Csordas, Vrettas, Weddington

No: None




Khanh Pham - Community Development Specialist


Transcribed by: Diane H. Vimr

August 25, 1997

Date Approved: September 03, 1997