View Agenda for this meeting 




Mayor Clark called the meeting to order at 9:10 AM.


ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark, Mayor ProTem Lorenzo, Council Members Bononi, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche and Kramer.


CM-00-11-362 Moved by Crawford, seconded to Csordas; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:

To approve the agenda as presented.

Vote on CM-00-11-362 Yeas: Clark, Lorenzo, Crawford, Csordas, DeRoche,

Kramer, Lorenzo

Nays: None


Pete Hoadley, 30108 Arlington Circle, spoke on behalf of EDC and asked Council if there was a useful and meaningful role for this board in Novi and if there was an EDC, asked that a clear purpose and direction be developed and communicated. He felt the purpose should include joint meetings between Council, Mr. Helwig and EDC, appointed member of the Council to the EDC, budget and support from the City Administration. Mr. Hoadley submitted an outline to Council of potential follow up activities from EDC goals. Mr. Hoadley asked Council to allow the EDC to use the $25,000 in their account to continue the city boundary signage and to adopt it as a goal. He also shared his thoughts on bringing more labor to Novi. He felt the new Expo/Convention Center combination was a tremendous asset to the community. Mr. Hoadley would like to see an overlay zoning for high quality entertainment such as a performing arts theatre, an aquarium, high class nightclub, etc. He also recommended creating a stream of revenue to retire major bonds so that Council would not have to go back to the public for these bonds.



Mr. Helwig said 51 perspective short-term goals had been recognized and 37 perspective long-term goals and they had been incorporated in a hand-out to Council. He asked Council for their thoughts on the work done last evening.

Member DeRoche thought this was a good process and produced many specific good ideas. He requested that on the list of Long and Short Term Goals #17 read "Review City’s software vendors – Police software vendors Clemis/Oaknet and Local vs. County.

Members of Council stated they felt this was an excellent design and setup for creating these goals. They expressed appreciation to staff members for time spent in preparation for this goal setting session and felt the direction was a recognized commitment for the community.




City Manager Helwig explained the system of dots. Blue dots equaled 5 points, red dots equaled 3 points and yellow dots equaled 1 point. For short term goals there are 5 of each color. For Long term goals there are 4 of each color.




Member Bononi explained overlay zoning, which she wanted everyone to understand that overlay zoning would provide a zoning vehicle where there would be one stop shopping. It would eliminate the harassment that we have experienced in order to bring a unique project together such as Fountain Walk.

Mayor Clark asked Member Bononi what electronic scorecard meant on #9. Member Bononi meant putting the vote count and/or the approval of a project and the conditions of the Council and Planning Commission on the web page as soon as possible after a meeting.

Mayor Clark noted with the temporary C of O, fees to be withheld are reduced and then the incentive to complete the project is reduced. Unless weather prevents completion, do not refund any financial guarantees and give a date certain to have the project complete. Unless there were extenuating circumstances, it must be complete or the City will hire a contractor to complete it. He discussed the possible agreement with Sprint tower at the Ice Arena and Mr. Helwig reported discussion was ongoing and would come to Council in the near future. Mr. Helwig noted regarding the road bond, there was a chart published with construction year, dates and locations. He thought the road bond intersection improvements would be a good long-term goal, as it would span at least a 4-year construction cycle.

    1. Political sign ordinance review – Council discussed that many signs cluttered the

roadway and were too big.

    1. There was discussion about pinpointing accountability which had already made

progress this year and interaction with Council members and department heads.

Member DeRoche also noted that the department heads were sometimes

assigned projects that could be better directed to another department with more


    1. There was clarification regarding the establishment of single source with regard

to pre-construction meetings. For example, have one site for developers to

meet with planning, engineers and building services to have a unified

response with coordination of efforts. Council further discussed the total

understanding of this process was necessary to accomplish the end result.

It was mentioned this would combine items 44-45. Also noted item #46, open

new fire station, was already in the process.


    1. Member Bononi addressed the program to break urban sprawl and noted this

was a Michigan land use program. Copies were distributed with regard to how

Novi was developing.

    1. Discussed long term goals including fire department needs. It was noted this

was both a long term and short term goal. The expectation was that the solution

would be long term but it would be addressed in the short term to improve the

level of service to the community. Member Crawford wanted the clarification of

short term goal #7 to reflect Fire emergency staff and medical response analysis.

Also noted #42 would be connected with #7 with regard to fire department. Mayor Clark suggested burying power lines, while the ground was open for other road improvements. This would also lessen the cost of tree trimming.

    1. Mayor Pro Tem Lorenzo asked to combine 21 and 34. Members Kramer and

Bononi referred to their individual items and noted an overall vision was

needed for a stereotype plan for use by developers. Member Kramer thought

the 9 Mile and Novi intersection would be a good example and Council agreed.

They agreed to combine 21 and 34. Further discussion ensued that East Lake

Dr. might be addressed the same as South Lake Drive for short term #27.

    1. Long term goal of evaluating performance and justifying cost of supporting


Council also considered combining short-term goals 34 and 35.


Pete Hoadley spoke to Council again that an established board could address areas not in the town center area so as eliminate the use of ZBA as much as possible. Also addressed was the Police Department Auxiliary for implementation of things such as crossing guards. Signage on major roads to direct traffic had not been addressed and should be a short-term goal. He spoke about no turn on right signs suggesting they be moved nearer to the intersection or incorporated with the traffic light. Mr. Hoadley encouraged Council to appoint a member to the North Central Traffic Association and to the EDC as well.

Council deliberated on the placement of dot values and attached the dots to the goal sheets.


1. Implement road bond intersection improvements ASAP

2. Adopt overlay zoning enabling attaching special conditions for project

  1. Adopt political priority for local street improvements-ongoing list.
  2. Establish the fund to maintain and improve city streets to eliminate the need for future road bonds.
  3. Development vehicle paving Delmont/Dinser

6. Achieve less dependence on outside consultants

  1. Emergency medical response analysis
  2. Pursue capture of all possible grant funding opportunities

9. Establish an electronic scorecard with regard to planning and council decisions

  1. Revisit the street trees and tree ordinance in the City
  2. Complete the agreement with Sprint for tower at Ice Arena

12. Library needs

13. Prioritize resources according to needs vs. wants

14. Police liaison officer

  1. Meet with all boards and commissions at least once each year, planning twice,

and assist EDC with mission and charter

16. Provide cable modem service to the community

  1. Look into city software vendors – specific to fire management, Oakland County
  2. system(significantly less expensive)

  3. Regarding sidewalk on south side of Ten Mile, West of Novi, continuation of

sidewalk over the wetlands with boardwalk.

19. Financial guarantees for unfinished site work

20. Consistent compliance with ordinances

21. Review political sign ordinance

22. Develop a plan for extended hours of service to citizens

  1. Request City Manager to become diplomat with bordering cities to share

regarding infrastructure improvements that would benefit both, any or all.

24. Establish a Sunday concert in the park series

  1. Contact owners of property on NW corner of Grand River/Novi and clean,

upgrade or else

26. City entranceway signs

27. South Lake Drive – traffic reduction and improve quality of life

28. Budget for environmental commitments and mandates

  1. Improve track record of completing projects on timely basis and instill sense of
  2. urgency

  3. Adopt an architectural ordinance, appoint a review board with recommendation

to Planning Commission and City Council.

31. Review how large projects are delegated to department heads

32. Establish time line for road bond projects and matching funds

  1. Cooperate with Expo Center to obtain matching funds for Grand River


34. Explore possibility of reassignment of responsibility for CDBG funds

  1. Utilize CDBG funds to improve infrastructure in the target area (payment for

personnel services to be derived from City budget)

36. Continue to upgrade audio/video capabilities of Council Chambers/control room

  1. Resolve northwest ring road segment property acquisition and state funding to
  2. complete the project

  3. Improve city ability to respond to the needs of businesses on their timetable
  4. "move at the speed of business" (no reduction of city requirements or quality)

  5. Increase compliance of erosion and sedimentation ordinance at construction
  6. sites

  7. Planning Commission appointments completed and communication to


41. Replace older tornado sirens with newer models with battery back-up power

  1. Explore means for enhanced volunteer recruitment program for fire department

for communication –


43. Utilize department reports for regular updates by department

heads on a rotating basis

  1. Determine how pre-development proposal conferences can result in higher

quality project and fewer referrals to the ZBA

45. Consultant czar

46. Open and operate fire station #4 in 4th quarter 2001

47. Implement periodic residential newsletter

48. Integrate kiosk with web site material, add building site service locator

  1. Require maintenance of stormwater systems to be timely per budget


50. Council/Consultant relationship (more structure/formal process)

51. Improve landscaping and maintenance of public buildings


Short Term Goal Prioritization Results:


#7/#42 26

#4 18

#3 17

#34/#35 15

#25 13

#40 11

#19 10

#33 10

#38 10

#12 10

#44/#45 10

#14 10

#50 10

#5 9

#18 8

#6 8

#27 8

#10 8

#36 7

#39 7

#49 7


#2 6

#8 6

#30 6

#41 6

#1 5

#15 5

#20 5

#28 4

#47 4

#16 3

#21 3

#23 3

#37 3

#51 3

#9 2

#26 2

#22 1

#24 1

#29 1

#43 1

#11 0

#13 0

#31 0

#32 0

#46 0

#48 0



1. Address issues raised during proposed fire department millage.

2. Enter 12 step program to break urban sprawl addiction

3. Work with administration to formalize policies as to expectations for job duties. Evaluate council/administration relationship (duties, responsibilities)

4. Review police and fire staffing requirements review specific positions within police department – traffic enforcement and school liaison officer.

5. Complete all improvements in city parks

6. Continue to improve all levels of communication and better understanding of chain of command.

7. Improve, upgrade Beck Road from 8 Mile to Grand River

8. Focus on improved service to Novi citizens to help solve their problems

9. Determine, need, cost and benefit of constructed regional stormwater basins and maintenance of same.

10. Bury as many power lines as possible.

11. Review and plan for all city owned land uses

12. Substantially reduce ice arena debt

13. Achieve consistent and improved public safety levels of service in accordance with national standards.

14. Emergency warning system at intersections with police and fire vehicles - OPTICON

15. Maximum extent feasible resolve differences through discussion, negotiation, mediation

16. Formulate plan to retain existing businesses

17. Revisit the roles of boards and commissions (interviewing, size, terms)

18. Develop a Grand River streetscape plan to address landscape, lighting. Look and feel from Novi Road west in conjunction with road work in progress

19. Investigate transportation possibilities between major commercial and entertainment centers in the city

20. Achieve cable provider competition

21. Identify low cost, cooperative opportunities to develop community character, quality of life and identity

22. Establish environmental management system by using the ISO 14000s

23. Establish a plan/incentive to pave the remainders of dirt roads

24. Discuss establishment of entertainment zone

25. Equip all public buildings with defibrillators and train staff.

26. Continue to look for opportunities to expand non motorized paths linking non-residential areas to facilities

27. Acquire state of Michigan historic certification for Fuerst Farm and possible federal funds obtained

28. Establish a City of Novi lands conservancy

29.Main Street – consider 2nd and 3rd story as residential development as opposed to commercial development

30. Establish a citizens opinion program on cable TV to widen the narrowing point of view in programming

31. Review of thoroughfare Master Plan


32. Review of non public-safety staffing requirements for city staff

33. Develop and expand proposal for city support team re: contract administration – strengthen our capacity to administer contracts


34. Determine the physical character of what we want the city of Novi to look like

35. Evaluate performance and justify cost of supporting SWOCC

36. Establish a commitment to land use sustainability

37. Seek independent professional critique of master plan for development

Long Term goal results include:


#23 23

#1 20

#7 19

#4 16

#2 15

#21/34 15

#5 14

#18 14

#9 13

#3 11

#27 11

#10 9

#8 8


#11 6

#19 6

#15 5

#22 5

#28 5

#14 4

#25 3

#29 3

#16 2

#20 2

#26 2

#30 2

#24 1

#31 1

#32 1

#36 1

#6 0

#13 0

#17 0

#33 0

#35 0

#37 0


Resident appreciated Council’s efforts with regard to Dinser/Delmont.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:51.




__________________________________ _____________________________

Richard J. Clark, Mayor Maryanne Cornelius, City Clerk




Transcribed by: _____________________

Charlene Mc Lean

Date approved: November 27, 2000